Innovations №3 / 2018
- Problems of technological development of Russia and modernization of applied science
- Decentralization of econotronics transactions
- Building an innovative economy of Russia through the development of the Institute of intellectual property
- Financial and credit mechanisms for the innovative companies development
- Innovative information technologies in the context of national security
- Stages of the formation and development of the concept of «innovation»
- Method of assessing public damage from information closure based on DEA and game theory approach
- The innovation efficiency in Russian Federation regions: territorial clusters approach
- Problems and perspectives of innovative development instruments using for spatial specialization shift of resource regions
- Innovative development of the regions of Russia: environmental innovations
- Innovations in the legislation
- Management marketing innovation-active enterprises
- Case-study: implementation of open innovations on the MTS company example
- Mutual influence in innovation processes
- Innovative potation of the company: estimation and management of value