Innovations №4 / 2015
Статьи выпуска
- Space - support for young people
- Innovative urbanism
- Design of innovcation development programm of the Federal space agency and space-rocket industry
- Innovation and investment development concept Russia
- Drivers of economic development: university science or industrial companies?
- Methodological aspects of definition technology level development of industries
- Comprehensive modeling of socio-economic phenomena: problem of definition and useof institutional functions in the analysis of national innovation systems
- Realization of the model of open innovationas a form of technology transfer and management of intellectual capital science intensive enterprises
- The role of business-accelerators in the system of innovation
- Creative technologies of cross-border cooperation: the problems of using to strengthen the competitive positions of Russia
- A model of psychological reconstruction of the creative process
- The concept of innovation Nizhny Novgorod region:analysis of innovative activity of industrial region
- Research of the development forces in the innovation processes of the SMEs’ companies in the Nizhny Novgorod region
- Organizational and institutional mechanisms of realization the innovative strategy of Ukraine
- Indian Institute of Technology: Taking the challenge of international rankings
- Methodological bases and role of the innovation management within the contemporary organization activities
- The development of new tools to improve the efficiency of promotion in social networks
- Management of economic resources of small enterprise as instrument of decrease in risks
- Fault-tolerant control cyclic multi-stage process
- Development of instruments for measuring the temperature of objects with unknown emissivity
- Innovative development of the theory and practice spiroidnyh gears and gearboxes