Challenge of Manpower Training for the Russian Pharmaceutical Industry and Ways of it Overcoming

The Russian pharmaceutical industry is on the way of reforming and transition to the innovation development model, that defines high demand for modern qualified specialists in the field of drugs development and manufacture. The main challenges in the system of manpower training for the industry now are the following: limited number of universities specialized in the pharmaceutics, lack of graduates, geographic disparity between the centers of developing of the pharmaceutical industry and university centers. Solving these problems can be achieved by integration of industry and professional education system (of secondary and higher education), development of clusters, modernization of education programs with respect to specific requirements of the pharmaceutical industry, implementation of the expertise of leading Russian technological universities in this field, increase of number of universities involved in the professional manpower training system for pharmaceuticals development and manufacture.

Keywords: pharmaceutical industry, innovation development model, research and development of drugs, manpower training, professional education, pharmaceutical clusters

