Interrelation Between Patenting and Innovation Activity of Firms in Russian Regions

The paper aims to reveal prevailing types of using intellectual property (IP) by Russian companies at regional level. Three types of prevailing behavior of firms having used invention patents during 2000-2004 and during 2005-2006 are exposed and analyzed. The first behavioral type is the innovative products production driven by their available IP. The second type is the protection of market positions and patenting to hinder competitors’ market entry. Inefficiency and low activity in IP creation inheres in the third prevailing behavioral type. For these behavioral types the general and particular trends are detected. For instance, one general trend is the reduction of using patents to create innovation in 2000-2009. This reduction is the most significant for firms using inventions for innovation activities least. The changeability of firms’ behavior has a negative influence on efficiency of IP making processes. It is demonstrated that behavioral types are connected with stages of innovation activity.

Keywords: innovation activity, inventions, patents, subjects of the Russian Federation

